Programme - year 2018
Conference will be simultaneously translated (Czech/English)
Program may be subject to change
FREE for conference participants MFA Seminar - "The security is out there".
Conference venue: Martinický palác, Praha - Hradčany Map | Website
Cyber International Law: the way forward after the failure of the last UNGGE
Francois Delerue, Institute for Strategic Research
The quest for public international order in cyberspace. The role of Europe
Mika Kerttunen,
Mini-Panel discussion
Moderate: Sean Costigan
Moderate: Richard Kadlcák, MFA
...the security is out there
Conference Opening
15’ Keynote – Nik Cernomorský, platinum partner
Russian Cyber Threats
Khatuna Mshvidobadze, Cyberlight
Removing the single points of failures from security systems
Petr Švenda, MUNI
Cyber Arena
17:10 - 19:00
Panel discussion - Cyber cooperation and survival
Moderator: Václav Matyáš
Panelist: Anna Bader, Khatuna Mshvidobadze, Chris Pallaris
Conference Opening, welcome from platinum partner
Blockchain – the difficult way of innovation
Jan Seidl, Deloitte
O365 Cloud adoption in banking sector – dream or a nightmare?
Lukáš Cibulka, ČSOB
Tokenization and Sodexo
Roman Cinkais, Diebold Nixdorf
Zdeněk Gütter, Czech National eHealth Center
Cyber Arena
09:10 - 11:00
Fully booked!
Hazardware: the Scourge of the Modern Age
Sean Costigan, Illustrotech Security
Security risk of common hardware
Jiří Truxa, Ondřej Steiner, ICZ
Unwanted applications
Vlasta Šťávová, MUNI, CIRT tým Honeywell
Panel discussion SECTION 2
Implementation of DevOps and automation tools in Česká pojištovna
Milan Brzoň, Česká pojišťovna
What to do if we want to implement DevOps
Miroslav Lhotský, Česká spořitelna
Jiří Severa, Accenture
Panel discussion SECTION 3
Security and Compliance in the Age of Cloud
Dennis R. Moreau, VMware
Testing of threat intelligence data at DNS protection
Jakub Daubner (ESET), Peter Dekýš (ESET), Robert Šefr (Whalebone)
AI - Using natural language processing of open sources for building a security knowledge base
Tomáš Pokorný, Richard Salač, Datera
Panel discussion SECTION 4
How to make Data protection in large company
Radim Kolář, DHL
Panel discussion: GDPR – 5 days later and then forever
Moderator: Radim Kolář, DHL
Helena Machková, Škoda auto, a.s.
Miroslava Matoušová, ÚOOÚ
Robert Piffl, MV ČR
Richard Podpiera, ČSOB
Daniel Rous, ČEZ, a.s.
Rodan Svoboda, Eurodan
Moderate: Radim Kolář, DHL
Cyber Arena
13:00 - 14:50
IoT a ePrivacy versus Industry 4.0
Josef Donát , Rowan Legal
The Latest Cybercrime Trends and Investigations
Oldřich Martinů , Europol
Kleptography and covert channels. Meltdown and Spectre - an error, or a carefully prepared communication channel?
Jiří Pavlů, Tomáš Rosa, Raiffeisenbank
The criminal law aspets of robotics or the fi rst corpse are not counted
Vladimír Smejkal (MVŠO), Tomáš Sokol (Advokátní kancelář Brož & Sokol & Novák s.r.o.)
Cyber Arena
15:50 - 17:40
Closing Ceremony with lotery draw and Hall of Fame