Vlasta Šťavová

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Case study on usable sepcurity - detecting Potentially Unwanted Applications

Usable security can be defined as security at minimal inconvenience to users of the system. Usable security is nowadays becoming more and more important, because using a computer and behaving securely became part of everyday life of broad public, not only the selected and well-trained IT experts. This introduces various usable security challenges from finding a usable and secure authentication method to doing a security training oriented on end users.

I will introduce you a couple of usable security case studies that I solved in my practice. I will cover a challenge we solved with the online security software company ESET regarding potentially unwanted applications (PUAs/PUPs) detection by end users of their security software.

Vlasta Šťavová



Vlasta Šťavová is working in the Centre for Research on Cryptography and Securityat Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno. Her research is focused on usable security and psychological aspects of cybersecurity. She cooperates with companies on the projects focused on finding a balance between usability and security. She also works in Honeywell CIRT where she applies her knowledge in everyday practice.


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