Radim Kolář

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Mr. Kolář is an experienced manager with 15 years of experience in data protection, risk management, information security, and IT. Mr. Kolář currently works for DHL Information Services, a global supplier of IT solutions for Deutsche Post DHL group. Since 2014, he is a member of Programme committee of IS2 conference. Radim speaks at various conferences and leads panel discussions focused on GDPR and provides Data Privacy consultations under brand GDPR-pro.cz. He has specialized in IT since his high school studies, occasionally published in professional magazines and in webzines (www.root.cz). Mr. Kolář holds certifications in the areas of Information Security (CISM, CRISC), Data Privacy (CIPM/E, CIPM), and others (ITIL).




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TATE International s.r.o.
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