Year 2010



is2 bila

Information Security Summit

The 11th International Conference on Information Security
May, 26. - 27., 2010
New town hall, Prague
Czech republic

The main theme of this conference is:
From technology to management

Under the patronage of:

Ing. Martin Pecina, MBA, Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Ing. Jaroslav Šmíd, a Deputy Director of the National Security Authority

An unique opportunity to meet with excellent top experts in Prague:

SVEN HEIBERG - key expert of the Estonian e-voting solution that was awarded by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and designer of e-voting solutions for other governments
PAUL LEYLAND - founder of the Oxford University computer security team, cryptologist and participant to many RSA factoring projects
CHRIS MITCHELL - professor at Royal Holloway, University of London, and UK expert with various industrial bodies and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27 (security)
EUGENE SCHULTZ -  member of the Information Systems Security Association Hall of Fame, Chief Technology Officer at Emagined Security and holder of the NASA Technical Excellence Award


• Cloud computing – security and privacy
• Security of virtualized environments
• Benefits of security governance
• Exploitation of “little” vulnerabilities, malware - The nature of security incidents has changed substantially over the last few years. “Little” vulnerabilities (in Office, Flash Player, Adobe Reader etc.) that are often unnoticed by system administrators and users,  but frequently get exploited are now the cause of a large proportion of today’s security incidents..
Case studies and experience
• Human factor and security culture
• Electronic identity and privacy
• eGovernment

Program Committee

■ Vašek Matyáš, MU Brno a DSM

■ Karin Gubalová, NextiraOne Czech a DSM
■ Jaroslav Dočkal, Univerzita obrany a DSM
■ Ivan Makatura, VÚB Bratislava
■ Lukáš Mikeska, Ernst & Young
■ Eva Racková, KPMG a DSM
■ Zdeněk Říha, MU Brno,
■ Eugene Schultz, Emagined Security


Partners of IS2


 IS2 is organized by
General partners
dsm  ibm


  HP anect
 nextiraone logo

 novell servodata 
symantec jpg

   In cooperation with
  Cacio   isaca  

Contact us

TATE International s.r.o.
Hořejší nábřeží 21, 150 00 Praha 5

phone  Phone: +420 737 215 220
email  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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