Main topic: Cyber security
PUBLISHED: 14.4.2016
These articles were subject to peer-to-peer review
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Interview with Dušan Navrátil
Long term National Security Authority chief talks about the latest experience applying the cyber-security legislation and how the national CSIRT and government CERT work together. He also shares his views on the critical infrastructure ownership and the latest „Safe Harbour“ agreements replacement.
Executive Orders connected to Czech Cybersecurity Act – part V. 
Vladimír Smejkal
The fifth part of the series explores the practical implications of several parallel legislative regulations of the cyber security in Czech Republic and what are the practial and legal ramifications of such a situation.
Security as a service – the new dimension of information security 
Jiří Sedlák
The author explores the possibilities of providing the information security as a service analysis the approaches and challenges for the subjects of the cyber security regulations. Also explained are the details and possible benefits of the commercial Security Expert Center servise.
The myths and the reality – this time relating to mobile devices security 
Richard Michálek
The article takes on a number of myths and misconseption around the security of mobile devices. The author suggests to keep the common sense approach to the design and implementation of security measures and applying critical thinking when it comes to securing the sensitive informatin.
Forensic analysis of mobile phones - part I. 
Jakub Kothánek, Jaroslav Kothánek
The first part of the series about the forensic analysis of mobile devices explains the legal framework for such efforts and the critical points in the process from the perspective of the legislation. The author explains the practical legal and technical steps the expert needs to take in order to secure the information stored on the device.
Cyber defenses – looking for quality defenders - part II. 
Pavel Klimeš
The next part of the series of articles on building cyber security defense forces deals with building up and strengthening the security teams. The author defi nes the professional capabilities needed within the modern security defense teams and how to hire, develop and motivate them. Included is a description of a possible career path for the security specialists and experts.