Tomáš Bartoň

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Experience of Česká pojišťovna's fight with a horrible Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents victims from accessing the their computer and requests to pay for ransom. Ransomware is currently one of the most watched type of cyber threat. All statistics show that this very serious danger has been expanding in steep rise. You should be aware that ransomware does not endanger only the end user workstations, but also the corporate servers and, in addition to the loss of the ransom payment, the organization's operation and reputation are also in jeopardy. We will show the real experience of a financial institution's combat against the threat of ransomware. We will share with you what actions we have taken, how it has had reduced the risk of the attack, and also the impact on end-user restrictions. You will see everything from Česká pojišťovna point of view as well as from the global perspective of the Generali Group.

Tomáš Bartoň

bartonIn the field of IT I have been active since 2001 when I began my career as an IT administrator. Since then I move into various IT environments, where I'm from technical positions progressively switched to IT management. Since 2012 I have worked as an IT manager responsible for running the complete IT department in a successful Czech company selling electricity and natural gas. I´m currently working for Česká Pojišťovna as an IT Risk & Security Manager (7 months). under my responsibilities include ensuring the global IT security projects not only at a local level, but also within the Generali group.

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