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Petr Hanácek is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology, at the Brno University of Technology. He has been working in the fields of information system security, risk analysis, applied cryptography, and electronic payment systems for more than ten years. He is an independent consultant in this area.



Petr Švenda works as an Assistant Professor at Masaryk University, Brno, focusing on the design of cryptographic protocols for wireless sensor networks, cryptographic smart card security, and privacy protection in information technology. He is the author or co-author of more than 15 peer-reviewed publications and participated consultation and development work for academic, governmental and industrial organizations in both the Czech Republic and abroad.



Wireless sensor networks are not just another technology, but also exhibit new and complex problems from the security perspective. The majority of the existing security approaches are unsuitable or even impossible to deploy due to the combination of decentralized tasks with high numbers of energy and computational-limited nodes positioned, typically, out of our permanent physical control. Non-conventional and/or novel security techniques are to be considered for situations where a partial network compromise is to be expected.

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