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Data leakage protection in technical terms is frequently focused on network prevention, perimeter and end-user devices. In reality the problem is much broader. A critical part of the project is understanding the business processes as well as typical end-user behavioral patterns. This means that the problem considerably exceeds the scope of IT and requires close cooperation from other business units. The involvement of “business” units is crucial to the success of the venture, because IT delivers technology and supports the process but does not furnish business logic. Moreover, in the IT area actual deployment of technology is only one of the pillars of effective data protection. The panel will concentrate on practical experience from Czech projects.




She graduated in computer science at Czech Technical University in Prague, and after graduating she joined communications. Since 1991, she worked at the Central Directorate of Communications as a project manager of project APOST (automated post) - the first and largest IT project in the Czech Post. From 1995 until 2004 she was CIO of the Czech Post. In later years, she was acting as Director of IT Strategy and Planning in Czech Telecom and as a Deputy Director General of Czech Post for the development. She is currently responsible for Professional Services in the company scanservice.




Tomáš Filip has focused on IT Security for the past 12 years: first at the Czech National Bank, then at Plzenský Prazdroj and SABMiller, and for the last three years at Ceská pojištovna as Manager of IT Security and concurrently as Global Security Team Leader at Generali Group – Europe. In the last few years he has led several projects focused on IT Security, for example local compliance with regulatory requirements (SOX), security monitoring, ensuring data integrity, user lifecycle management, segregation of duties at SAP, fraud prevention etc.




Tomáš Matoušek studied at the University of Economics in Prague. He is also a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh in the USA. He was appointed CEO and Chairman of the Board at Penzijní fond Ceské pojištovny in 2008. Previously he worked at Komercní banka and GE Money Bank. He is married

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