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DSM 2011/2

2011 1

Main topic: Services of information security and cryptography applications.

 PUBLISHED: 16.06.2011

 rr These articles were subject to peer-to-peer review

6) Interview with Peter Dekýš
The Editor-in-Chief conducted an interview with Petr Dekýš, the director of ESET Services, about the new focus of ESET’s company services. 

10) The Use of Graphics Cards to Power Attacks
Petr Hanáček, Peter Jurnečka
This article deals with brute force attacks on cryptographic algorithms, providing an overview and describing how these attacks can be accelerated by using graphics cards. The first part of the article provides a brief introduction to the architecture of current graphic cards. The main part then deals with the acceleration of symmetric ciphers, asymmetric ciphers and hashing functions, with the last part giving a short overview and comparison of some famous historical force attacks on cryptographic algorithms. 

14) Monitoring Mobile Phones
Jan Krhovják
The bugging of mobile phones is one of the hot topics of discussion in academic corridors today. This article summarizes the current methods possible for intercepting GSM mobile phone communications.

18) Formats for Advanced Electronic Signatures – Part I
Libor Dostálek  
Advanced electronic signatures for documents are now common practice, but the early years of their use was not oblivious to compliance with technical standards. With the advent of the requirements for long-term archiving documents bearing guaranteed signatures, it appears we should return to discuss the use of these standards. A series of articles will be devoted to this issue – with the first providing an introduction to the topic and a description of XAdES.

24) One of the Security Techniques for Publicly Available Graphic Data
Simona Pejsarová
This article deals with the security of publicly available graphic data. It mentions the data security methods available for secret communication and digital watermarking techniques. It then presents one of the fundamental methods used, including practical examples.  

28) SIEM at ČEZ group
Aleš Patrovský
This article is loosely based on case studies on the implementation of safety oversight at the ČEZ group, which was published in the 1/2006 issue of DSM. It points out the difficulties which the safety department of ČEZ ICT Services gradually hinted at during the implementation of safety oversight in 2005, and describes what should be avoided in similar projects. It recommends an appropriate option strategy for a similar type of project and assesses the conditions under which it is useful and will continue to be so using the selected type of software. 

32) The High and Low of the Elections – part II
Michal Altair Valášek, Vladimír Smejkal, Jindřich Kodl 
The second part of this series dealing with e-voting defines the desired features of an electronic election and the possibilities of achieving them.

36) Operating Data and What to Do With It
Jiří Bořík
Operating data is an interesting and often underrated source of information on the health of an information system. Mining such data is not cheap, but it can provide important information for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of non-standard situations. The outcome of this data may also be an important basis for management decisions.

41) Viral page - Advance-fee Frauds are Back
Advance-fee frauds are back. After they had spread through social networks they then got round to e-mails. Cybercriminals exploited the Libyan and Japanese earthquakes in April and March. Even though security vendors warn about this type of scam regularly, there are still far too many people who get scammed.  

The articles on pages 10-40 were subject to an expert opponency by the Editorial Board of DSM.

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