
  • The jubilee XXV year of the IS2 conference took place on 29-30 May 2024 in the Aula of the Czech Technical University - Bethlehem Chapel.
    It was an honour to welcome all the distinguished personalities and speakers.
    Thank you to all partners.
    We are now preparing websites with the archive of lectures.
  • Videos and summit books from past conferences are available for registered participants after logging to "Off-line Access" HERE...

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Oldřich Příklenk is the CEO of KPC-Group, the Gartner representative in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania. He graduated from the University of Economics, Prague, specialising in international trade and informatics. In 1997, he founded Artex informační systémy, a company focusing on the development and implementation of information systems. In 2001, he co-founded KPC-Group. Starting as business director, in 2003 he was made the country director for Slovakia, and since 2007 he has been the Director and also the full owner of the company. He has more than 14 years of experience in IT, 10 years of which are with Gartner. Mr. Příklenk has vast experience with the development and implementation of business, marketing and sales plans and with banks, telecommunications companies, utilities and public sector benchmarking. He is the author of a number of articles published in IT and business magazines.




ICT technology is significantly changing the behaviour of individuals and businesses. Predicting trends and megatrends can be tricky, however understanding the future development is one of the key aspects of strategic decision-making. Oldřich Příklenk will talk about the most compelling and critical trends identified by Gartner analysts and provide an insight into Czech ICT market development.

What interests you?

sliva 2017 1

DSM Magazine

DSM is a professional quarterly magazine focused on information security and data protection problematics. Our goal is to provide an up-to- date overview of development trends in broader context.


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Conference IS2

A prestigious international conference on information security, organized under the auspices of the prime minister and other eminent representatives of the Czech government.



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