
  • Preparations for the XXVI international professional conference Information Security Summit - IS2 under the title "DIGITAL OPTIMISM" are in full progress. The conference will be held on June 3-4, 2025 in the beautiful Ceremonial Hall of the Czech Technical University in Prague Bethlehem Chapel in Prague. More information HERE...

  • Recordings of selected presentations from last year's IS2 2024 Conference - 29-30 May 2024 - "25 years of IS2 - A SAFE AND DIGITAL SOCIETY" are available. More information HERE...

  • The IS2 2024 conference hosted the panel discussion on "Being Prepared". The accompanying videos with the views of eminent personalities are still available. More information HERE...

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Dennis Kügler is the head of the working group responsible for developing security specifications and designing public key infrastructures related to electronic identity documents at the Federal Office for Information Security. Since 2003 he has been participating as a government representative in the New Technologies Working Group of the International Civil Aviation Organization and actively contributing to international standardization at ISO.



After many years of development, the New German Identity Card was introduced on the 1st of November 2010. Besides being just an ordinary identification token for government use, this identity card also provides privacyprotecting authentication on the Internet. Unique features, such as anonymous age verification, the selective disclosure of personal attributes and the automatic creation of unlinkable, service provider dependent, pseudonyms serve the needs of both citizens and Internet service providers. This presentation will give an overview on the features of the card and the infrastructure required. Furthermore, some real world use cases will be described.

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DSM Magazine

DSM is a professional quarterly magazine focused on information security and data protection problematics. Our goal is to provide an up-to- date overview of development trends in broader context.


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Conference IS2

Prestigious international conference on information security, organized under the auspices of prominent representatives of the Czech government and other important personalities..



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