Year 2017

The 18th IS2 conference - 24. - 25.5.2017

Kaiserštejnský palác

The main theme for the 18th IS2 Conference

...return to the drawing board

blue colorColor of this year's conference is blue
Malostranské nám. 37/23, 110 00 Praha 1-Malá Strana (mapka...)

Mr. Daniel P.Bagge, M.A. is the Director of Cyber Security Policies Department, National Security Authority. In this capacity he is responsible for the implementation of the National Cyber Security Strategy, as well as overseeing the process of CIIP of the country. He deals with conceptualization of threats and policies on national and international level. Since 2013 he is also the Secretary of the Cyber Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. He is regularly invited to speak at cyber security events around the world. He holds M.A. from the Bundeswehr University in Munich / George C. Marshall Center in Germany.



vera jourova
Věra Jourová
European Commission

evropska komise

Jan Bartošek

Vicepresident of the Chamber Of Deputies
logo poslanecka snemovna parlamentu cr

Mgr. Bohuslav Sobotka

The Prime Minister
urad vlady

Ing. Karla Šlechtová
Minister of Regional Development
mistni rozvoj

martin stropnicky
MgA. Martin Stropnický

Ministry of Defence
min obrany

lubomir zaoralek
PhDr. Lubomír Zaorálek

Minister of Foreign Affairs
urad vlady

RNDr. Josef Postránecký

Deputy Interior Minister in Charge of Civil Service

JUDr. Jaroslav Strouhal

Deputy Minister of the Interior for ICT

Ing. Zdeněk Adamec

Deputy minister for the Economic section and information technology
min zemedelstvi

JUDr. Ivana Janů

The Office for Personal Data Protection
urad ochrany udaju

Ing. Jaroslav Šmíd

Deputy Director of the National Security Authority

Ing. Vladimír Dlouhý, CSc.

President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce
hosporadska komora





Many prominent experts help to plan the conference programme

Daniel Bagge (National Security Authority)

Mr. Daniel P.Bagge, M.A. is the Director of Cyber Security Policies Department, National Security Authority. In this capacity he is responsible for the implementation of the National Cyber Security Strategy, as well as overseeing the process of CIIP of the country. He deals with conceptualization of threats and policies on national and international level. Since 2013 he is also the Secretary of the Cyber Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. He is regularly invited to speak at cyber security events around the world. He holds M.A. from the Bundeswehr University in Munich / George C. Marshall Center in Germany.

Martin Baroš (Cryptelo)

Dedicated programmer and assiduous project manager. Managed teams on major banking and financial projects in the world (Airbank, Wüstenrot). Decided to focus on security, because he likes challenges and hates to give up.

Radim Kolář (Medtronic)

Mr. Kolář is an experienced manager with over 10 years of experience in risk management, information security, personal data protection and IT. Mr. Kolář currently works for Medtronic, a global supplier of medical solutions. Since 2014, he is a member of Programme committee of IS2 conference. He has specialized in IT since his high school studies, occasionally published in professional magazines (Softwarové Noviny) and regularly in webzines ( Mr. Kolář holds certifications in the areas of Information Security (CISM, CRISC), Data Privacy (CIPM/E, CIPM), and others (ITIL).

Lukáš Klášterský (Erste Group) - committee chairman

Mr. Klášterský works in the area of IT infrastructure in Erste group – the leading financial services provider in Central Europe. Having served more than 20 years in IT and telco area, he has vast experience in services, project and transformation management, and has a strong knowledge of industry trends. Mr. Klášterský served in managerial positions at Debis IT Services Czech (later T-system), Lucent technologies, Telefonica O2, Česká pojišťovna/Generali Group.

Vashek Matyáš (MU Brno)

Václav (Vashek) Matyáš is a Professor at the Masaryk University, Brno, CZ, and Vice-Dean for Industrial and Alumni Relations, Faculty of Informatics. His research interests relate to applied cryptography and security, where he published over 150 peer-reviewed papers and articles, and co-authored several books. Vashek edited the Computer and Communications Security Reviews, and worked on the development of Common Criteria and with ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27

Eva Racková (RVDA)

Mrs. Racková has dedicated more than 20 years of her life to information systems and their security. She served as CIO at KPMG Czech Republic for twelve years. Mrs. Racková is a member of Editorial board of DSM magazine and currently works for Public Audit Oversight Board.

Zdeněk Říha (MU Brno)

Zdenek Riha is teaching at the Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, in Brno, Czech Republic. He received his PhD degree from the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. In 1999 he spent 6 months on an internship at Ubilab, the research lab of the bank UBS, focusing on security and usability aspects of biometric authentication systems. Between 2005 and 2008 he was seconded as a Detached National Expert to the European Commission's Joint Research Centre in Italy.

Pavel Východský

Mr. Východský is currently working on strategic project management. For 25 years, he has held various managerial positions, initially at Česká pojišťovna and subsidiaries of ČP/PPF, then at VZP ČR, where he served in line and statutory roles in the areas of insurance operations, restructuring, corporate governance, insurance fraud investigation, internal security, internal audit, and ICT management. Mr. Východský also served as either a manager or sponsor of strategic, transformational, restructuring and implementation projects. He is a member of Programme committee of IS2 conference, external member of finance and economics department of Banking Institute University. He is a professional mentor.

Václav Žid (Ministry of defence)

Vaclav has spent his entire career in information and communication technology area. Since 2000 he has been working with the public sector. He began in software development and he always loved the process of coding application and delivering applications to the users. But he also realized he enjoys the strategic elements of information technology even more. He looks for the best technology implementations for helping his agency to achieve its goals. Currently, he works as a Head of the Security Department.


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