Marek Zeman

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Security requirements for cloud services for the financial environment

Cloud becomes a natural part of the life of every organization. It offers the possibility of easy access to quality, stable and relatively cheap service. The lecture deals with descriptions of ordinary cloud services that are used by financial institutions. It will address the business benefits and the limitations in terms of IS security. Subsequently, the security margins resulting from security standards and legal requirements are examined. We will look at requirements in terms of data processing, data transfer, storage. We will reflect on the current legal situation and incoming changes and regulations (eg ePrivacy). The end of the lecture will be dedicated to personal experience from each implementation.

Marek Zeman

zeman 2019


Marek has over 18 years of experience in IT security. He also works on introducing new technologies into banking environment. In IT security he focuses on database security, behavioral metrics, analysis, evaluation and correlation of non-structured data and artificial intelligence. He is a founding member of the Cyber Security Association. An important element of his personal life is the support of education, he lectures at universities and specializes in the study and development of Comparative Religions at Comenius University.



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