Hana Gawlasová

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What to Protect and What to Sacrifice?

In both today’s world and today’s marketplace, an IT security culture is an essential part of any business as it helps protect it from IT related security threats lurking pretty much everywhere. Now that technology and information technology more than any other has become an integral part of almost all processes within businesses and organisations, security threats exist and security breaches occur more frequently and they have the potential to bring substantial material (data, assets, profit) and immaterial (reputation, trust) losses.

The questions that we will be asking are:

  • which monitoring and surveillance is permitted, which is not and which is “on the fence”?
  • how important is the role of “humanware”, the human element that uses the technology, the human element that sets up the precautions and the human element that attacks the IT systems?
  • where is the borderline between protection of employee privacy and protection of employer’s assets?

We will also be examining the extent in which:

  • employer has to protect not only its assets (including data) but also its rights;
  • sacrifices may need to be made on an employee side in form of some intervention into employee’s privacy and comfort; and
  • coming up legal framework will substantially change the way we work and do business.

Hana Gawlasová, Partner at Squire Patton Boggs

gawlasova hanaHana Gawlasová is an attorney at law and a partner of Squire Patton Boggs. She is a recognized leader in information technology, personal data protection and employment law. Hana is a member of a board of trustees of Pro bono aliance, an NGO dedicated to bringing better access to legal aid, promoting social responsibility in the legal profession and operating a pro bono clearinghouse. Hana is also a mentor in MyOdyssey, mentoring program for female top managers, who want to accelerate their careers.

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TATE International s.r.o.
Hořejší nábřeží 21, 150 00 Praha 5

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