Responsibilities of the organization to protect information networks and data
The organizations face currently two types of information security risks: risks related to continuity of their own operations and risk of liability towards third parties. The presentation will focus on these risks and will offer recommendations how to set up properly internal functioning of the organization in order to minimize these risks and protect the interests both of the organization (or the state) and the persons that represent it.
Tomáš Nielsen, NIELSEN MEINL, law firm, Ltd
Tomáš Nielsen graduated from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law.
Tomáš Nielsen is a former editor-in- chief of Technologies & Prosperity, Program & Business Development Director at TUESDAY Business Network (former First Tuesday), Lawyer and Partner at the international law firm Rowan Legal. In 2011, he founded NIELSEN MEINL, law firm, Ltd.
Tomáš Nielsen specializes in telecommunications and media law, financial law and international investments projects.
Tomáš Nielsen lectures telecommunications law at Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Law) and ICT law at Czech Technical University (Faculty of Transportation Sciences), he is also an active arbitrator of the Riga International Arbitration Court.
Tomáš Nielsen is the author and co-author of a number of professional articles and publications including: Annotation to Electronic Communications Act (Linde, 2014), Software Law Basics (Wolters Kluwer, 2011), and many others.