Daniel Bagge

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Cyber: security, defence and crime - why is the difference important?

The presentation will introduce the concepts of cybersecurity, cyber defence and cybercrime from the Czech perspective. I will address the differences between security and defence, scope of activities that are essential, institutional framework and legal framework in which we operate. By attending, you will gain the knowledge of "who is doing what" and "why do we need to differentiate between these concepts?" Cooperation between respectives entities and their role in problem solving will be also tackled. You will be presented a case of a cyber security incident, where all three concepts had their role. The escalation from technical issue to a strategic decision making level will be also part of the bundle. The question this presentation will answer is whether cyber security, cyber defence and cybercrime are intertwinned and if so, why.

Daniel Bagge

baggeMr. Daniel P.Bagge, M.A. is the Director of Cyber Security Policies Department, National Security Authority. In this capacity he is responsible for the implementation of the National Cyber Security Strategy, as well as overseeing the process of CIIP of the country. He deals with conceptualization of threats and policies on national and international level. Since 2013 he is also the Secretary of the Cyber Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. He is regularly invited to speak at cyber security events around the world. He holds M.A. from the Bundeswehr University in Munich / George C. Marshall Center in Germany.




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