Embedded device security
In this talk, we will look at the security of embedded devices from a defenders perspective as we will discuss what it takes to secure such a device. We will start by describing of a model embedded device. Then we will present its security threats, related security controls and possible ways to apply those using currently available techniques, tools and hardware. During the talk, we will point out differences between the IT security and device security and look at the current and future trends in the later.
Michal Hojsík
Michal Hojsík works in Honeywell Global Laboratories in Prague as the leader of the Cyber-security for Embedded Devices Group. His work includes design of security architecture and analysis and prototyping of various security technologies. His work results can be found in different Honeywell products - from thermostats to industrial controllers. Previously, Michal was an assistant professor in cryptology at the Department of Algebra, Charles University in Prague. He also worked as a Security Consultant in Siemens Czech Republic, where he focused on enterprise system security. Michal holds a master degree from Charles University in Prague and a Ph.D. in cryptology from University of Bergen. He has been in cyber security field for more than 10 years.