Artificial Intuition Tool for Extraction of Meaning from Texts
In a global environment challenged with enormous amounts of information, there is a need to identify affinities and disaffinities between semantic units in different languages in order to normalize streams of information and mine the “meaning” within them regardless of their original language. In the absence of a “silver bullet” of one technology that can be applied to all domains, the solution is based on emulation of the “intuitive” links that domain experts find between concatenations of lexical occurrences and appearances of a document and conclusions regarding the authorship, inner meaning and intent of the document. In essence, this approach looks at a document as a holistic entity and deduces from combinations of statements meanings, which may not be apparent from any one statement. These meanings constitute the “hermeneutics” of the text, which is manifest to the initiated but is a closed book to the outsider. The crux of this concept is to extract not only the prima facie identification of a word or string of words in a text, but to expand the identification to include implicit context-dependent and culture-dependent information or "hermeneutics" of the text. Thus, a word or quote in a text may "mean" something that even contradicts the ostensible definition of that text.
Shmuel Bar
Dr. Shmuel Bar is Senior Research Fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Studies at the Technion – Israel Institute for Technology and founder and CEO of IntuView Ltd – a start-up dealing in “artificial intuition” technology. He is also adjunct Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute and has been Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Shmuel served for thirty years in the Israeli intelligence community including in senior positions in the Office of the Prime Minister, where he dealt, inter alia, with Jihadist movements and WMD proliferation issues and in diplomatic posting in Europe where he liaised with European Intelligence agencies on these and other issues. He has headed research projects – many of them for US government agencies - and published extensively on issues relating to the Middle East, including ideology and operational codes of radical Islamic movements, leadership paradigms and command and control structures in the Middle East, scenarios for Middle East futures post the “Arab Spring”, Iranian defense doctrine and negotiating methods and more. He holds a Ph.D. in History of the Middle East from Tel-Aviv University.